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Additional Resources on ePortfolios

Hi Everyone,

Some great discussion last night. For those of you interested in continuing on in exploring ePortfolios, here are a couple of things.

One of the big groups (the big group?) out there dealing with ePortfolios is the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-based Learning ( They hold both regional conferences and a World Portfolio Summit. A number of CUNY people attend and present at their events, including a big presence by La Guardia.

They publish a newsletter bi-monthly. The current version goes out to members and the past versions are archived and publicly available here ( The December 2o1o link seems to be broken but in the October 2010 issue La Guardia is the first article and there is an article on Clemson who currently has 12,000 students doing ePortfolios, From a technical perspective they have an interesting approach. Students can use Google Sites or any other web site development method they want. Then the students use a separate tool, CUePort to tag their work that relates to the College’s Gen Ed goals. It would seem that this allows for both the freedom of organization and expression for the students and a more organized way to conduct the assessment. But it also means two things to maintain. I wonder how the process works for the students?

Trent Batson is kind of the driving force behind it. You can see a list of articles he has published for Campus Technology here (

They also have a peer-reviewed international journal: International Journal of ePortfolio

Posted in After Class Discussion.

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