Welcome to the Course!
Readings for 2/15 went up a bit late--but they are there now!
I've been thinking about a "big" question, too. What is a course?
The Core of ITP
My current research interest concerns improving teaching and learning of mathematics especially for students with special needs, namely those identified as Emotionally Disturbed and Learning Disabled, in the NYC system. My research interest involves the use of digital photography to document cultural artifacts in communities that may support mathematics instruction in the classroom. This project will focus on how students use photography as a visual manipulative to enhance their learning.
My initial thoughts of my project will focus on “modes of learning within and outside the classroom”. This project will be part of my proposal for my dissertation. My end goal is to integrate photography as a “media product” for students to appropriate geometric concepts and have better understandings of these concepts. Students will do most of the work by capturing cultural artifacts using digital cameras, which will then be uploaded into Geometer Sketchpad for classroom instruction. We will also employ video recordings during classroom instruction to document teaching and learning may be used for professional development at a later date.
Posted in Project Concepts.
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rev="post-503" 2 commentsPosted in Final Projects, Project Concepts.
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Comments Off on Protected: Project UpdatePosted in Project Concepts.
Comments Off on (Belated) Linked Course Project UpdatePosted in Project Concepts.
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Comments Off on Protected: Mythology Project UpdatePosted in After Class Discussion, Project Concepts.
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